SSW001 Slingshot Stig.indd 55 25/07/2018 09:33 S S 0 9 : 3 3 SS 09:33 SLINGSHOT STIG PRODUCT REVIEW 055 DANKUNG 304 STAINLESS STEEL SPINNERS: 100g 3x at $4.80 + any excise duty FUN FACTOR: 8 Cute, portable and takes satisfying dents - gives a loud metallic DINGG! DURABILITY: 7 Man sent 3. He broke his first 2. He shoots 12mm steels with double bands! VALUE FOR MONEY: 6 The Dollar cost is low with Chinese imports but customs fees can kick in. FEATURES: 6 Spins, dents and chimes pretty well. Won’t rust. But you can snap ‘em. HUNT REALISM: 6 The size of a pigeon’s crop. Just a steel disc, yet breaking it may be fun, too! OVERALL:6.6 Told these were flimsy. It turned out to be about a BIG power shooter. SMK SPIN TARGETS: Magpie, Rat/Pigeon, Twin Disc spinner @ £5.99, £8.99 & £14.99 FUN FACTOR: 8 As much fun as spinners get, plus a serious DINGG! sound when hit. DURABILITY: 9 These may get dented to hell and need new stickers but they will LAST. VALUE FOR MONEY: 10 Made with thick materials and good axles. Top value for your catapult quid. FEATURES: 7 They spin, they go DINGG! they come in a few sizes and have cool shapes. HUNT REALISM: 9 Most of these are keen impersonations of British quarry species’ heads. OVERALL: 8.6 A solid set of targets, huge affordability and that crucial hunter appeal. ARMEX BARRAGE BOARD £10 for twenty targets, so fifty pence a bang! FUN FACTOR: 10 A bloody hoot, but frustrating for the less than awesome shot. DURABILITY: 5 The board gets wrecked by the balls and once banged, they are done. VALUE FOR MONEY: 10 Brilliant for the bonkers intensity of the hugely challenging fun this target is. FEATURES: 9 Shows the damage if you miss the bull, 20 EXPLOSIONS when hit dead-on. HUNT REALISM: 10 If you can hit the bull, knowing it’s going BANG, then you are hunt- ready. OVERALL: 8.8 Costly for everyday use, and neighbour-upset-grade but AWESOME! WASP SPINNERS: £2.95 to £10 per pack, 59 pence each at cheapest FUN FACTOR: 8 Always satisfying to see the spinner spin and the WHAPP! sound is cool. DURABILITY: 10 With real dedication and a cold day, you can break them eventually. VALUE FOR MONEY: 10 Absurdly cheap for a colourful, durable product. TOP VFM. FEATURES: 8 Spins, has different colours and sizes and one is Glow In The Dark. HUNT REALISM: 8 The smallest is a perfect pigeon- headshot practise target. OVERALL:8.8 Brilliant products, made just for slingshots. COOL STUFF! SEETHEVIDEOHERE: SSW001 Slingshot Stig.indd 55 25/07/2018 09:33