SSW001.CookoutFeature.indd 23 20/07/2018 15:52 S S 1 5 : 5 2 SS 15:52 ONE FOR THE POT 023 023 a slingshot. Yet Nina allowed us lads, with the addition of Mark Clark, (a bit of a Yoda to me) and the whippersnappers John Jeffries and Patrick Holman to go on ahead and set stuff up. For me it was cameras, for them targets. Some so small and far away I was gob smacked! All of them are horribly good shots and most of them can make a mean catapult frame, too. But Nina has that love of cooking and had made in advance the richest and meatiest Hunters Hotpot I have ever enjoyed. Mick had been through their freezer for pheasant and some venison then had been out especially for our day out and had added rabbit and pigeon. Enough carrots, whole mushrooms and onions to make it do its thing and Nina gave it the full slow cook, after her own seasoning and stock. Then, Nina made the squidgiest, most delectably iced individual carrot cakes. So soft and moist, that yes, each had to be kept in captivity of its own. It was all to come with for the shoot and the ‘pot be reheated over the fire and eaten with Damper bread, as Nina had made up the dough! The hotpot was just lovely, with great filling chunks of meaty goodness, all cooked to bubbling scald-your-mouth hotness on the fire in a cast iron Dutch Oven. Well, if you were a bit eager, like me… it was a Hunters’ Feast. Great lumps of bready Damper, a bit toasty here and a bit burned there, washed down with fizzy water and pop. For the beer was a prize in the forty metre ding-the-metal-elephant contest. Won by Patrick, you can hear the metal chime clear across the bowl in the video. DINGGGGGG! You can find the video here: http:// the-wicca-bowl-in-sussex/ All in all, it was a bloody brilliant day out. A huge fun thing to plink with such top shots and wow, what a meal to have outdoors. My thanks to Mick and Nina and a ‘CHEERS Lads!’ to Mark Clark (and his lass who was slightly incognito) as well as JJ and Pat H. Great day and what the catapult community is all about. Good food, good fun, CATAPULTS! Shooting Slings At the Wicca Bowl Damper Bread on sticks to cook Huntsman frame, Huntsmans’ Hotpot… Steaming Hunters’ Hotpot Goodness! SSW001.CookoutFeature.indd 23 20/07/2018 15:52