The ESF Solihull Shoot 2019

Not much about the ESF Hunters’ Field Target course itself, this is just a feel for what it’s like going to a shoot. I recall my very first and being nervous. And by now, you know that I am as nervous about public speaking as Freddie Mercury was about singing live. It was daft of me, for the scene is all a bit ‘one love’….

The people are friendly, the competition still as intense as any worldwide and the ESF now lead the world as genuine HFT tournament hosts in slingshots. I don’t think anybody anywhere gets to compete on a course like this. It requires a professional tree surgeon or arborist, for one, to hang metal discs in places pigeons might sit up in trees. And it requires an adhesive committee ready to give up massive amounts of their time to make this stuff happen. And they have to pay out before they know if the shot fees will cover the costs. As you can see, this is a Federation that is going places.

I reckon it is so much better as ‘one thing’ and this is the coolest shoot of the year. To win this is the single highest measure of skill. Which makes my spotting the talents of a younger John Jeffries two years back, kinda cool, or else just makes him an annoying git for being far too talented in too many directions.

Here is some general feel video. MASSIVE shout out to Mr. Mone Waller, who again flew in from the USA, to shoot! Et aussi a toi Nick Slingshot!