SCOOP! BANDOLERO™! released by Performance Catapults®

Slingshot World is delighted to break a massive news story. A legend hath spawned a successor!

noun: a Spanish bandit.

After years of folks asking for an SPS® to be made as a slingshot fit for flat band use, Performance Catapults® the company behind the SPS® have just released the OTT flatband suitable Bandolero and are announcing its existence on Slingshot World’s website. The First one hundred will be numbered, so get in quick to secure a legend!

I can reveal that the UK’s first ever Bandoleros are now en route to Slingshot World Towers. To say that I feel deeply honoured is an understatement.

The history of the SPS® catapult by Performance Catapults® is long and it has become a legend, so often copied that many people don’t even know the roots of the classic shape and how it fits in the hand. My most expensive slingshot is a rampant SPS copy and despite Performance Catapults® being the only maker using actual trademarking and registering their designs and the copyists being blatant in their ignorance, Guv’nor Jim Harris never sued anyone but just wishes folks would ask first!

Jim has told me that the SPS® is not a design to be ‘altered’ so a new frame would be a new thing of itself.

And that is Bandolero. This not just a wider set of tips but a whole new core and I can tell you that a small (but costly) delay was the first set of cores being rejected for not quite being perfect to specification. So meet the new OTT kid on the block.


Bandolero is 82mm x 118mm

Gap is 40mm Tip is 20mm

18mm thickness

Prices will start at $99.99 US…. But it’ll be around £150 landed cost I reckon….. or a bit under. The Dollar is spanking the Quid’s bottom right now.