b'TARGETSSLINGSHOT STIG PRODUCT REVIEWTESTED:by SLINGSHOT STIGWASPGZK Once more, we tempt SLINGSHOT STIG out ofKNOCKDOWN20/30/40mm the woods.Some say, that he has been to Sri Lanka and drank liquid latex and that he thenRABBITSPINNERSmade perfect round elastic with his bottom SRP 24.99 SRP $.50 to $3 eachCut from an accurate scale headThe GZK Superfi bre leather e orts outline provided by catapult hunterare just $.50c for the small ones, extraordinaire, Matt Redding. UVrising to $3 each for 80mm. Sold stabilised HDPE . Needs a smallonly as part of a proper order from countersunk magnet fi xing to it toGZK and rated for 5,000 shots. They help it click back into position, Stigdo spin a bit when mounted on said. Essentially just a steel hingeparacord, so a rigid wire is better. with two polyethylene parts and aYou also get a quiet, polite whap string to pull it back upright. Thesound from them. Not as much fun spike is a bit short and a bit blunt,as one that goes ding or bang but so so anchoring it is tough in hardcheap, its a no-brainer to add some ground. to any GZK order. FUN FACTOR:9 FUN FACTOR:7It gets hit, it falls down. Stig liked that. Needs a wire to spin, sound is less DURABILITY:10 exciting than WASPs.HDPE is tougher than StigsDURABILITY:9Glaswegian granny. Stig will report about the 5,000 VALUE FOR MONEY:8 shots, as he uses bigger ammo.Costly to make. Not a cheapie butVALUE FOR MONEY:10its good. Disposably cheaper than a bag for FEATURES:9 life, add some to any order.Rabbitty feel. Takes a dent, then youFEATURES:8pull the string. 25mm up to 80mm. Bi-coloured, HUNT REALISM:9 with nil rebounds as nil mass.Oddly good at awakening yourHUNT REALISM:8hunters soul. A range from big to small means a OVERALL: 9.0 useful headshot size is cool.Cool target system that will train youOVERALL:8.4Ito kill bunnies. A no-brainer, if you ever buy GZK, wanted to call this knockdown target the KILLIT RABBIT, butLINK: https://www.waspslingshots. get some of these as well.WASP were not impressed. I then wanted to see it slappedco.uk/product-page/new-rabbit- LINK: https://trade.onloon.net/detstupid under severe test conditions. Likewise, those flappyhead-knockdown-target ail?itemId=183ad5efd1aa4fb2a1fdfibre spinners from GZK. Are they any good? We got a bunnyf61de0104c56and we got some flappies and we handed the catapult over to our tame marksman to abuse the stu\x1f . He speed shot for a few minutes then he said it made him hungry and wandered o\x1finto the woods, muttering about finding a real rabbit.Some say, that he has had range finder matrix lines engraved onto his eyeballs and that he cannot digest vegans.All we know is, hes Slingshot Stig057SSW003.57.Targets Tested.indd 57 05/09/2019 17:09'