b'PERFORMANCEThe SPS and the Bandolero& CRIME A swebraggedonlaunchdayonline, SlingshotWorldisdelightedtobreaka massive news story.Jim Harris is a softly spoken Kentuckian. HiscompanyPerformanceCatapultsistheone that gave us the Metal Core Slingshot and his is A legend is fi nally joined by a brother. ThetheoriginalStratagemPocketSlingshotorSPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot has atdesign. Yes, both terms are registered marks of his company. Thus, while RCC Raptor and John Je\x1f ries last got a fl at band sibling. Mustang get ripped o\x1fand copied in Indonesia by moral-free slime balls, the SimpleShot Scout gets Jim Harris, designer and darn fi ne shot ripped o\x1fwholesale by the Chinese, (who even copy cars and get away with it, mostly.) If you are among the many who make and call your frame an SPS, you do leave yourself open to being spanked legally by the patent holder.Justsayin Thescenedoesseemtostillbe arrows-in-the-hat frontier wild, as far as the law is concerned with everybody shamelessly copying the few original designers out there but I do know that the owners of the Milbro brand, for one, defend their name with vigour.In talks with the man, Jim explained that the SPS shapewaswaymoresubtlethanjustthatcore outline, and now, having a genuine SPS in my hand, I can feel why. It is in the subtlety of the chamfering to the edges, the delicacy of the form is a load more 042 SlingshotWorldSSW003.42-43.Performance Cattys.indd 42 05/09/2019 16:44'