b'AMMUNITIONSHARP DARTS, STEEL HEARTS & BALLS of CLAY When mullet topping in the harbour make your thumbs itch, you could just shoot them and reel em inS pear fishing is an emotivethese darts and there are many designsMead, in issue two! I admit I have been subject, like anglers liveand sizes of metal fish darts. fascinated and jealous of the whole baiting. In the USA, theAs a certified walrus (I am happiestslingshot-fishing thing.invasive carp muddies upin the water, where fat is an advantage)I have a Crosman Starship which is a waters and eats the food forI love spearfishing. I couldnt a\x1f ord thefull-forearm plastic-armoured slingshot their beloved bass. So folks bow-fish forbest kit as a lad but I enjoyed it. Ourand a collection of miniature fishing carp and use their bodies as fertiliser. InBrian from Las Vegas, the filipino withreels, plus access to cast-o\x1f s from the UK, spearfishing is strictly marine. the catapult-science smarts, the manthe local fishing shop. I made my own But the Chinese, leaders in thesebehind the SightRight target card, isfishing sling contraption and I needed things, have a major slice of techa keen spear fisherman. He is the onepouches and darts for the project. They for slingshot dart fishing. It can beshooting butterfly on a boat in Lakelook badass, do they not?dangerous as hell, involving a fish-spearing dart flying past your hand. There are horrific images I would like to be able to unsee of what can go wrong. Theres a choice of armoured catapult fishing gloves. There are special closed-face reels on a wrist-strap. There are dedicated skinny-throat dart-knockThere are a few designs of darts but all need grippers rather than pouches to shootvery strong braided line to shoot them.Plastic armoured 7mm steels.Choccy trues? No! JustMaltesers? No! Clays you clay, sand and fun. can collect with a magnet.At the opposite end of dangerousness, wesmoother flight. New to them though, arewont work in a Newtons cradle.need practice ammo. Because we still seethese high quality pure enviro-clay balls. InAt a whopping $0.15, fifteen cents a ball, accidents of damaged windows (and a100g bags holding about a hundred 8mmwe find the Chinese safety practicing steel fridge door!) caused by use of steels indoors.to 10mm balls, these cost 3.50. For lightball. These are a silica gel-plastic armoured So what has the most heft but is still saferbands. 7mm steel for those who find they need than steel? Clay/Iron Balls: $2 per 100, literallyserious tournament grade practice. That tiny WASP make the most awesome choicemud and iron powder 10mm in diameterlayer will stop most glass breakagesmostly.of di\x1f erent weight plastic practice balls.- right dense wee spuds. Looking like tinySold by Wu Jim on www.cn-slingshot.com Even ones with golf ball finish surfaces forMaltesers they are a dense projectile yetbut only when you buy a frame or bands.055SSW003.55.Ammo review.indd 55 05/09/2019 17:03'