Cool Yule from Slingshot World!

We Wish you A Cool Yule and a pleasant pagan revel, Kwanzaa, Chanuka or a Holy Christmas, how ever you enjoy the season! There’s still time to get a youngster a terrible awful inappropriate gift, even more dimly viewed by parents as a bad-uncle thing to give than a darn drum kit! YES! a catapult. Even worse, some steel Ammo from Balls of Steel Sussex!

The Dark Destroyer & Outlaw catapults posed atop a rotting fence post!
The NEW FOREST BRAND Outlaw and Dark Destroyer catapults. A heavy draw for the hench shooter.

If they are a grown up, then the below is the most dangerous and possibly irresponsible gift, depending upon the bod who gets it! Yes, it is for spearing fish and only legal in tidal waters… so sea trout can be thine! It’s a Cool Yule that gets you a gift that both excites and frightens you.

The TOP TIP with the set below is to use a protective armoured glove and an elevated arm brace frame such as my Eagle of Sniper, or else the Saunders WING, which by design has an armoured plastic shield for your hand as part of the design. See that in issue SIX with the SniperSling darts, also scary (foolhardy, stupid) to shoot without some armour! All but issue two are still on sale singly, with a wide choice of free cover-mount gifts.

A wickedly comprehensive fishing set! A Cool Yule gifto!
The beaded bracelet is actually a very strong lanyard!

And of course, if you have an enthusiastic slinger in your word who has not learned about the delights of wallowing in their hobby on the pages of a glossy magazine… there is the COMPENDIUM OF CATAPULTS.. or all six issues at once, with a free HALF KILO of steel ball ammo, a pound.. or as much as a £15 pack at full retail! You pick which size, 8mm, 8.731mm or 9.5mm.

Get the LOT!

Of course, there are also those who just wish it was over and cannot enjoy the season. A pity, for merely surviving another winter is worthy of celebrating and always has been!

Happy Christmas and a Cool Yule!
