Slingshot World Magazine has been printed, with the very last copies being bound tomorrow. And we are going to fetch a ruddy great heap of them, so they will be at the Andover shoot! Get your copy at the shoot, or hang on until we can get the digital edition sorted out. It is the AUTUMN 2018 Edition, with September/October/November as the ‘shelf-months’ although each issue shall always be available as back issues.

BUT that is just ‘runnings’ news really.

For today, is beyond proud, honoured and delighted to be able to announce the UNITING OF THE CLANS and our part in the outcome!

YES, the UKCA and the BCA are to become one. We are looking to a more coherent front to present at the World Cup events and big tournaments. With a more target-centric approach with lighter set ups and smaller calibre ammo. And while the name of the new ‘thing’ is as yet not set, I can tell you that Slingshot World is going to be the official release site for their news, making this editor the de-facto Press Officer.

I have been writing about and helping develop ‘brands’ for my whole career, with my own included. And could not help thinking about the new name. I feel it has to end C.A. for ‘Catapult Association’, as the Irish UK and British associations all use that suffix.

For me, it seems simple… but this is merely my meanderings and the new moniker is due to be coined by the committee at their first proper meeting. But how about, BIFCA (British Isles Federation of C..A..) or BISA for British Isles Slingshot Association? Or even FUKESA…. Federation of UK & Eire Slingshot Associations? SAUKE… Slingshots Association of UK & Eire? Gosh knows, but I do know Slingshot World will be reporting on it, right here and saying, as I love to;  YOU READ IT HERE FIRST!