They say that you should never meet your heroes but I get to do it from time to time. It’s always a privilege but this was a bit more than that, for me. And Jöerg was a complete and utter toff.

Jöerg is in the UK for eight weeks to make his show BACKYARD BALLISTICS with top end production company Brightfire Productions. The people who get called when an Amazon Prime producer thinks “We want explosions, great BIG explosions for Clarkson and the lads on The Grand Tour…” Jöerg and the crew, along with his co-presenter are producing ten shows.

Anyway, I will let Jöerg get a word in edgeways. I apologise in advance for being quite so thrilled.. and loud.

Apologies for the stertorous breathing.. lol

Learn about Energy versus Momentum and their mass and velocity factors’ difference, at 2:50. I clearly, for all my Um ahh and yessing, obviously was NOT up to speed on the physics.

Check out Jöerg’s bonkers set of products, here: https://gogun.de/