Check Out My BESTEST Bag of SWAG!

Do you use a mooching bag? What’s in yours? I guess this is like those EDC or bushcraft videos where the owner is showing off how cool they are by their choices….. This video is about what I take with me right now for maximum messing-about value-for-fun time in the woods. After all, this is precious time and counts as my exercise out of the house, during which I want to be as far from other souls as possible! That said, I have so much stuff that this will change.. as I also plan some deep-core SimpleShot days as well.

One of my most popular videos was the shiny 4K one I made of my collection at the time, including the absurd one I assembled, which got its own video – those I will embed below for maximum time-vampiring of your day.. haha….

So check out the ammo, three tinned catapults, fancy Chinese ones, cast metal and moulded WASP ones, a Performance Catapults genuine SPS and more….

Fat Bloke loving his toys!

This was the local common but the one below was at Pete’s Airgun Farm

Some time back but still lots to covet!

I do hope you are keeping well and looking after each other. All four magazines are very much still on sale, from issue one to issue four that came out on the 1st day of the grouse season. Buy here: or you can read issues one to three for free online, with links to all advertisers, here:

I do hope you like it…. and what’s in yours?